Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm Not MAD but I like MAD People!

What in the world has happened? Has a 2X4 slammed me on the haid? Nope, I'm referring to MAD people, or people who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior & are Mid-Acts Dispensationalists. They believe that the church did NOT begin at Acts 2, but sometime later, though as far as I know there is no absolute consensus in the group at the particular time that the church DID begin. But a main belief of MAD as I am aware is that water baptism is not for this dispensation. Personally I have yet to see enough Biblical substantiation to MAD to embrace it myself, but appreciate the folks I have met from that "camp." As far as I can tell they are grace-oriented believers & are very gracious.
I post this so that if there are any adherents to MAD, or other believers who have knowledge to share about them or just want to say howdy, please join in! God Bless you all in Jesus' Name!


Anonymous said...

Bro. David

Sorry I can't help you.. after many years of studying the Bible I am convinced that teaching the Bible dispensationally is the Biblical way. Error is introduced when not taught that way.

In Christ eternally,


David Wyatt said...

Hey thanks bro. Jack for commenting! I had just about given up on anyone commenting on this. I agree with you on interpreting the Bible dispensationally. I don't believe the MAD folk are right about the beginning of the church, but the ones I've interacted are fine brethren (& sisterns!) that love the Lord with a fervency that puts me to shame. I want to love Him more. With all He's done for me, I ought to be His #1 follower. But alas.........

God Bless you brother Jack!

Lou Martuneac said...

IMO, if we do not take a dispensational approach to the Bible, it (the Bible) becomes a seeming maze of confusion and contradictions.


David Wyatt said...

Thank you bro. Lou. I agree that the Bible must be interpreted through a dispensational lens since that seems to be the way that God has revealed Himself through His Word. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Bro. David,

After reading your post about MAD folks, I checked into their theology. I will not go into detail now or ever, but I have seen enough to know that it is a "theology" that could damage a strict traditional dispensational understanding and teaching of God's Word.

No matter how nice the MAD folks may be, I believe their teaching is un-Biblical and harmful to the Body of Christ, not simply about the beginning of the church but in several areas of doctrine.

There is much written about and by them on the web. However, one must be careful as some of the writings against MAD theology is just as wrong as those who write in favor.

In Christ eternally,


David Wyatt said...

Bro. Jack,
As always, you are balanced, gracious & on target. I appreciate you. God Bless & thank you for your post. You are correct also in that I need to delve into their theology further. As I said, I do appreciate their love for the Lord & their grace stance, but we certainly must seek to be a scripturally-based in all areas of our theology as possible, which always takes diligence. May the Lord bless!

P.D. Nelson said...

Well as a former dispenssationalist and a person who attended a MAD at one time. I'll have to disagree with you gentlemen. IMHO Covenant theology is the most consistent biblical method of teaching the Bible.

David Wyatt said...

Bro. P.D. I appreciate you dropping in at this blog. Thank you for your comments, though I would respectfully disagree myself. Yet I am thankful that you felt the freedom to join in. May the Lord bless you.