The very last verse in the amazing prophecy of Ezekiel is fitting for such a tremendous Book! We see a beautiful name for God as well, which is simply, "The God Who is There!" Ezekiel saw quite a lot about the suffering of his people Israel, and how God would ultimately bring them through it all, just as He will for us as believers today as well.
Leaving Ezekiel and thinking concerning another Old Testament prophet, Habakkuk this time, we see a man who loved God, and was much like what I would term an Old Testament version of the apostle Thomas. Thomas is sometimes wrongfully in my humble opinion, dubbed "doubting Thomas" but his doubts were at least honest ones! If he didn't believe something, or didn't understand it, he didn't pretend he did and that all was well, he openly shared his heart! Habakkuk shared his heart, we might say he poured out his confused and hurting heart to his God while he saw what seemed to him unabated and increasing sin and wickedness on the part of his own people of Judah, and it seemed to him that God didn't seem to even notice what was going on. So, Habakkuk didn't pretend all was well, he went to God and laid out his heart to Him, and guess what? God answered him! What God said was not what Habakkuk wanted to hear, but he heard from God nonetheless! There are only 3 chapters to the prophecy of Habakkuk, but I believe you'd love to read it! God not only noticed what was going on among His people, He was working behind the scenes to deal with it, and His plan was so amazing that Habakkuk went from "God, You're not doing anything" to "God, You're going too far!"
Anyway, you can read this great story that's going on in Habakkuk, it has many modern parallels with life today. So much that seems to be out of control, yet as always, God behind the scenes often, is in complete control and we can rest in Him. And we can also pour out our hearts to Him because He cares and He loves to hear from us as His children. If you have not come to know Him yet, He loves you and would love to have you as His child. He sent His Son to die in your place, how much more love could He show than that? This is the kind of God He is. Just had to share that with you! God Bless you all.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday, October 12, 2012
He is our Everything!
I love 1 Corinthians 1:30. It states: "But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption..." Boy oh boy, I seriously need all 4 of these things!
Wisdom! I can do and have done some truly stupid things. And guess, what, I've repeated a whole lot of them. I'm even still doing some of them. But praise God if I'll let Him, He will direct me, because He is made unto me wisdom, and His is perfect!
Righteousness! I know myself well enough to know that Paul is absolutely right, that is in me, my flesh, there is nothing good. (Rom.7:18) And if he said that about himself, then there's no need for me to waste a second looking in myself, there's just nothing good in God's perfect sight there. My so-called righteous acts on their own are so tainted with self-interest that they're filthy rags to God. But praise Him again, He is made unto me righteousness! In fact He IS my righteousness! (See Jer.23:5-6)
Sanctification! We all like to be called special, in the sense of set apart from the pack, like we have certain possessions that mean a lot to us so we set them aside for special use. In Christ, we're set apart for God! Also, according to Romans 8:29-30, in God's eyes because we're in Christ, we're already perfected!
Redemption! He bought me back out of the slave-market of sin and death! I had really made a mess of it all, and because of His sheer love for me and you, at Calvary He just gave His own dear Life for us! The whole process is His, we can just sit back and rest in Him! Of course we have holy work to do, but He does it through us if we'll just let Him. (Matt.11:28-30). What wonderful truth! I just HAD to share it with you. May the Lord bless you all.
Wisdom! I can do and have done some truly stupid things. And guess, what, I've repeated a whole lot of them. I'm even still doing some of them. But praise God if I'll let Him, He will direct me, because He is made unto me wisdom, and His is perfect!
Righteousness! I know myself well enough to know that Paul is absolutely right, that is in me, my flesh, there is nothing good. (Rom.7:18) And if he said that about himself, then there's no need for me to waste a second looking in myself, there's just nothing good in God's perfect sight there. My so-called righteous acts on their own are so tainted with self-interest that they're filthy rags to God. But praise Him again, He is made unto me righteousness! In fact He IS my righteousness! (See Jer.23:5-6)
Sanctification! We all like to be called special, in the sense of set apart from the pack, like we have certain possessions that mean a lot to us so we set them aside for special use. In Christ, we're set apart for God! Also, according to Romans 8:29-30, in God's eyes because we're in Christ, we're already perfected!
Redemption! He bought me back out of the slave-market of sin and death! I had really made a mess of it all, and because of His sheer love for me and you, at Calvary He just gave His own dear Life for us! The whole process is His, we can just sit back and rest in Him! Of course we have holy work to do, but He does it through us if we'll just let Him. (Matt.11:28-30). What wonderful truth! I just HAD to share it with you. May the Lord bless you all.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Being Made Whole
I have always appreciated the Book of Ecclesiastes, at one time if for no other reason, it seemed so intriguing to me. Here is Solomon, likely writing it as an older man, who had by that time made quite a few mistakes and had gone away from the Lord, yet under divine inspiration, wrote a great work for us, to show us basically that God alone is our Life. The verse that is the clincher, or the key at least to me is the next to last one in the entire Book, chapter 12 & verse 13: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." To say that as we would today, after Jesus has come and given His lifeblood for us on the cross and risen again, it is like, "Trust Him and be made whole!" The word "duty" is supplied by the translators and this seems to me at least one time when it would have been better left out since it was not in the original. His commandment is to believe on Him (1 Jn.3:23) and this certainly makes us whole! Just wanted to share that Good News with you tonight. May the Lord bless you.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
All that Believe
Good Morning to you! Or maybe it's good afternoon or evening, anyway, howdy! What a wonderful text of Scripture I came across that I just wanted to share with you, I believe I've already probably shared it but it is so wonderful that I just had to share it again! Paul is speaking to the Jews in Acts 13, and in vv.38-39, he says, "Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses." That little words all is surely a wonderful one. ALL who believe in Christ are justified from all things! I don't know about you but I have a good idea that you're like me in the sense that we all, there's that word again, all of us have things in our past that we'd give almost anything if we could get rid of it. In fact, we probably have things in our present that we also would love to be rid of. This text should be staggeringly good news to us then! Jesus died for that sin, whatever it is, and when we believe in Him, we are justified from it as well as all things. Let's rejoice in that great news today, no matter what may be threatening to bring you down today, He is greater, and His love never fails. May the Lord bless you today.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
The Enemy Is Us
Have you ever had a moment in which you just saw yourself, I mean who you were before you came to Christ? Paul minces no words, when in Galatians 5:19-21 he says, "Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." I want to be real blunt here, who of us thinks we can just stop this flood of wickedness? He tells us in 3 little words that this is only a sampling! He concludes this litany of lasciviousness by saying, "...and such like..." This is what lurks in the heart of men and women, boys and girls no matter what our background or upbringing. Jeremiah just lays it out when he says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?" (17:9) In other words, none of us can know the depth of wickedness in our own hearts. Why am I saying this? Because the days we live in are evil. They are evil because man is evil. There is only one way to stem this tide of evil, and that has already been done a little over 2,000 years ago outside Jerusalem. Jesus Christ said in Luke 19:10, "...for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” You and I were surely lost. But He has done what we could never do. Paul said in Romans 5:6-8: "For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." When our hearts were still full of what Paul sums up by "..and such like" Jesus died for us and rose again to do what Paul told the Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." He didn't say that we're striving to make them new, he said they are new! That is who we are now in Christ! How do we then overcome the flesh? Paul says in Galatians 5:16, " I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." In other words, remember who you are! John said, "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. (1 Jn.5:4) I just wanted to share this today because I needed it, I hope it helped you too. Look to HIM, not yourself. May the Lord bless you.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
2 Sides
Hadn't posted in awhile, and I just wanted to share something neat that the Lord helped me see from His Word while trying to help someone see the magnificence of our God's grace in Christ! Our salvation is like a coin, which of course has 2 sides. It is mighty hard to slice a coin in two, and separate the heads from the tails, but even if you could, you can't do that with God's eternal salvation in Christ! The "tails" side is our sins all being forgiven in Him because of His finished work on the cross FOR US! I just love Paul's joyful proclamation in Acts 13:38-39: "Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: And by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses."
BUT, the "heads" side of our salvation in Christ is one that many if not most believers are either unaware of or have forgotten, and that is that Christ's righteousness is given to us as a gift! Paul again says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, 21: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new...For He [The Father] hath made Him [The Son] to be sin for us, Who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." Ain't that wonderful! (Pardon the bad grammar!) Once we believe in Christ and His finished work for us on Calvary, we have this as a forever gift that He will never take back! Wow, I know it's late, but I just had to share that wonderful news with you! No wonder they call it the Gospel, and Paul says we better guard it with our lives! (Gal.1:6-9). God Bless you all real good, and sleep well!
BUT, the "heads" side of our salvation in Christ is one that many if not most believers are either unaware of or have forgotten, and that is that Christ's righteousness is given to us as a gift! Paul again says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, 21: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new...For He [The Father] hath made Him [The Son] to be sin for us, Who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him." Ain't that wonderful! (Pardon the bad grammar!) Once we believe in Christ and His finished work for us on Calvary, we have this as a forever gift that He will never take back! Wow, I know it's late, but I just had to share that wonderful news with you! No wonder they call it the Gospel, and Paul says we better guard it with our lives! (Gal.1:6-9). God Bless you all real good, and sleep well!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
The Beauty of God
And He that sat was to look upon like a
jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in
sight like unto an emerald. And round about the throne were four and twenty
seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in
white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the
throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven
lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. (Rev.4:3-5)
Wow! How tremendous! It is almost impossible to even comment on such amazing truths, taking a brief look at the worship around God’s Throne, illustrated with such God-inspired words, so we’ll just seek to glean some of these glorious truths for our spiritual edification as we think of our Savior's death and resurrection for us that makes it all possible.
seems these awesome colors are representative of the glory of God!Wow! How tremendous! It is almost impossible to even comment on such amazing truths, taking a brief look at the worship around God’s Throne, illustrated with such God-inspired words, so we’ll just seek to glean some of these glorious truths for our spiritual edification as we think of our Savior's death and resurrection for us that makes it all possible.
And He that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. (v.3)
This makes us also think of Ezekiel's awesome vision of God's glory!
As the appearance of the bow that is in the
cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about.
This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I
saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that spake. (Ezk.1:28)As magnificent as this is, Ezekiel’s response is appropriate and understandable, rather like John's to the glorified Savior!
And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. And He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I Am the First and the Last… (Rev.1:17)
In this same John’s response to seeing the glorified Lord Jesus, we understand it being much like Ezekiel’s or any who would encounter the awesome God! Yet notice the Lord’s gracious response to His servant! Fear not! Only the child of God in Christ receives this loving command due to His salvation in our life! The next verse in that text also sheds light on our understanding the Lord’s meaning in our text in Revelation 4!
I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I Am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. (Rev.1:18)
Isn’t it wonderful the beauty of our Savior, even in His awesome power and glory! There is no need to try and debate who the elders are, yet one thing is certain, as high-ranking as they seem to be, and as blessed as they are, they are most definitely subordinate to the One and Only God on the Throne of His universe! This represents and pictures a wondrous truth that is more and more dear to us the darker and more troubled our world becomes, as we remember this truth remains and will always be, God is on the Throne in His Heaven, ruling and loving His own! He knows what He is doing, He is always and only good and we can trust Him! He loves His own, and He has made it possible for any and everyone to be His own through simple faith in His Son’s shed blood for us! God couldn't complete His written Word to us without sending out one final invitation!
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (Rev.22:17)
This text also, as we touched on earlier, reminds us of the overwhelming, awe-inspiring and breathtaking beauty of our God! David said it so well:
One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to enquire in His temple. (Ps.27:4)
No matter how ugly and twisted sin turns this world-system, yet God’s glorious beauty is untouched and unchangeable! Paul calls our God the incorruptible God! Though all else may be corrupted, not our holy, beautiful God! Praise the Lord!
In closing, we’re reminded of God’s matchless grace, in that though the thundering represented deserved judgment to come on those who rejected our Savior, yet the elders round His Throne remind us that they, as we, though once sinners and enemies, received His redemption and are His beloved sons and daughters, saved from the wrath to come! The psalmist put it beautifully:
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Ps.91:1)
And it is all because of Jesus!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
When He Comes
Have you ever thought of what it will be like when Jesus returns, and we're in His blessed presence? I know that I almost always think of the fact that I'll see those wonderful Hands with nail-pierces in them, that paid such a dear price for my salvation all because of His great love for me. We who have come to Him as He invites us to, and has given us glorious rest from the tyrannical burden of our sin, we know that it will be a joy beyond description and even the possibility of full expression now when we see Him! We'll run to Him, and rejoice in seeing our Best Friend! I know this because we have Scriptural proof of it. Peter, who sinned as much as any of us, yet he came to know Christ, and even after he had denied his Savior so terribly, as we often do, when he realized Jesus was on the shore after His resurrection, what did he do? Did he run away from Jesus in shame and fear because he had failed his Savior so badly? Let's let the Scripture speak for itself on it. "But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Then Jesus said to them, “Children, have you any food?” They answered Him, “No.” And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish. Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea." (Jn.21:4-7) Peter ran to his Savior! Not long after this, the Lord Jesus in His loving way, allowed Peter to express publicly his genuine love, imperfect as it was, for his Savior, and then He told him to feed His sheep, which he did through his 2 great epistles. Our sins are gone, as the great old hymn sings with joyous abandon, and we need to do as Psalm 107:2 says, let those of us who are redeemed by the Lord, say so!!I'm saying so right now. Maybe you want to as well, then go for it! May the Lord bless you.
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